6-30: the show thursday was ok...we played in montague without kevin again, but failed to
mention it to anyone (that's what jobs will do to a person).
not too many people, but the ones that were there were there to
rock. we decided to play four songs all by request, and since no
one knows any names of our songs we just recommended some. so we ended
up playing copfight twice, fall of every man and then alchemy
luck stuck (that's not a song). an old guy came in
and said we had to stop. so we did...then everyone said, "don't stop" so some kids
ran and locked the doors and we played the beginning of
another song, then he (the man) damn near knocked the door down,
so we let him in, then he yelled at us some more...the fight that insued(?)
was to be spoke of for weeks to come. the lady who was
looking over the show persued(?) the man and continued to push
him repeatedly. he was saying i'm going to smash your face
or something like that to the lady, and she kept pushing him telling him
to leave. finally she just about pushed him out the door
when a flock of 5 kids or so ran to the door (i don't know if they
planned this, or just all saw the opportunity at the same time) and
taught him a lesson in face smashing. so he got pushed out...then
i think we stopped playing out of courtesy to everyone
who had to hear our first 3 songs. thanks to jason and the
other bands for the show/playing. the next night we played
a show i set up in muskegon. no one showed up...not bands
or people. i blame this on blues traveler....grrrrrr. but
35-40 kids showed up (not bad...but not good either)
i lost lotsa money on the hall, and two bands (stitch 7 and
boywunder) couldn't make it. so it kinda sucked. friction was really damn
good though, and so was fold. thanks to everyone who did
come. we're taking july off to "write new stuff" but i doubt
we'll get anything done. hehe...mp3's at www.mp3.com/alchemy999
6-19: our show
in constantine went ok...great looking place but not many
people. we made some new friends, stitch 7 is coming up to play
with us
june 29th, and
annabel lee might come up some time, who knows?
speaking of the 29th, everyone make sure to come out to sherman,
it'll be a lot of fun. we've got stitch 7, the amish hardcore
band from k-zoo, fold, the new super group outta muskegon, friction, ypsilani
hardcore/metal and boywunder a melodic hardcore band from PA who've toured with zao
and not waving but drowning not to mention have played with
premonitions of war, shai hulud, burn it down,
narcissus, the stryder and many others, it's also our last show in muskegon
until august, and we'll play more than one song, i swear!!. it
should be a great show bands start at 7, and it's
$5 at the door...seeyou there. i also added some picures of the one
song we played at fruitport, and also some old ice pick pictures..thanks to
lindsay and sean for those. :) (download mp3s at www.mp3.com/alchemy999)
6-6: so if you
haven't noticed we canceled our summer tour. many reasons led
to this etc...we also had to cancel the show we were going to
play in flint on the 26th, more b.s. blah blah...but the shows we
DID play were fun. last friday (1st) we played at an open
house. turns out there was no p.a..so we waited around (for
ever) waiting for someone to get one. it finally gets
there and we set up after like half the people leave because they
hear we're not playing, then find out the pa people forgot the pa
wires and such, needless to say this lead to more waiting for us and
impatient people. then everything gets there and we play
without kevin due to the fact that he was playing a show in muskegon
with fold at the time. so we just played what we could, thanks
to our friend nick for doing back up vocals, and thanks to *crowd*
for singing diluted elysium for us. but everyone went nuts,
lots of people injured and so on, if you call that a good
show. the next night was just as smooth. sorry to
everyone who came to the show for the reason of seeing us. but
if you weren't there you missed us play one song break a lot of
things and then leave. we weren't trying to be assholes or
anything, we are just sick of not being "respected" in
muskegon. it seems like everytime we play a show in muskegon
we get screwed over somehow. if we were to play more than one
song people would wish we were done so they could watch the next
band, i'm sure they thought that regardless of the fact that we only
did play one song. but we (as oppose to setting up our stuff saying
"hi we're alchemy" and then leaveing as we originally planned)
played one song since there were at least 10 of you who sat through
five hours of shitty rain, cold weather and police to see us.
we thank you for your steadfast dedication and ability to put up
with crap. which brings me to my next point, police typically
suck. the minute we got to the show there were police
cruizen the parking lot, on and on, then they obviously called for
back up because another car showed up, then they got the balls up to
go to the microphone, make the band stop playing and tell us all to
go home. they said "we don't know if you have a permit to be
here so you all have to go home". whatever happened to
innocent until proven guilty? i guess it doesn't apply when
there are kids invovled, but anyway good ole uncle kim talked to the
misinformed biased narrow minded officer and the officer changed his
mind about the lame ass permit, then told all the kids to move there
cars off the lawn. if that guidline was met, the rock could go
on. so the rock kept up, with the police waiting in the
parking lot through the entire night waiting to arrest some kid for
not parking perfectly inbetween the lines. thanks for
listening...check out our mp3 page at www.mp3.com/alchemy999 you can find
all of our songs on there eventually we'll put unreleased demo type
stuff on there. check it out. seeyou at our next show
5-9: yo...we've finally got an mp3.com page...go check it out, the whole
cd is up. www.mp3.com/alchemy999 feel free to
download them all, put them on napster, burn your own cds, or find a
way to blow up the web page...it's all in good fun. the "show"
that was suppose to be this weekend got moved way back due to the
lack of bands that can play that day. so don't go
anywhere in muskegon expecting us to play...because chances are we
won't be there :) we do have something coming up with
gabriel. for those who don't know, gabriel is the new tech
metal band from the east side featuring dave (better known as god)
the old drummer of malakhai, and james the old bass player for
hamilton, silence of fall and now the american drama, and others
that will rock your socks like a mo fo. make sure to check
them out when they come. we played an awesome show last month
at the elbow room in ypsilanti. not many people, but we played
with an awesome speed metal band "youth corpse"...check out their
page off of our links list...good stuff. there's also a new
web page for muskegon music, the comp...go to www.muskegonmusic.com to check that
out. that's all for now...
4-16: i bought the domain
alchemywhat.com..if anyone knows of any good servers, maybe even
free ones? or of a (free) way to use tripod to work with a domain
name please let me know, (jerrady@hotmail.com) a lot of people are
complaining that i never update the page...so the makeover is the
reason. it takes time to make these. we have a lot of shows in the
works, and even a little tour. we have plans to record 3 or 4 new
songs at the end of april and early may, those will probably be
released on a short 3 song demo and sold at shows n stuff. reserve
your copy now :) i added a LOT of good pictures from our ice pick
show a while back. just make sure to check out the entire page, cuz
i did lots to it. sign the book and let me know what you think, and
sign up for the mailing list so you can know all the stuff you want
to about
us. much love...
